When my first child was born, I went a little camera crazy. I realized, "Hey these pictures came out kind of cool!" From then on I have been on a quest to take awesome pictures and learn all I can to become a professional photographer. It gets frustrating at times when I want to know how to do a particular thing with my camera and I'm not sure how to accomplish it. Thank God for the invention of Youtube! I've found most of my 'How-to-do-it' videos there and most have been easier to understand than the actual Adobe Photoshop Tutorials which confused the heck out of me at first.
Here are some of my first (of my camera experimenting) photographs I took with my point-and-shoot of my daughter, Olivia as a baby, 9 years ago. They're not totally in focus but cool none-the-less.
This website also has helped me greatly with questions I've had with my camera:
Here are some more recent photos I did last week. I did a photo shoot of my kids and played around with different effects on Adobe. I had fun doing a lot of Color Splashing (or the "Sin City" Effect).
Elijah, Reese, Sadie & Olivia
Fall Frolicking
Sadie, Reese & Olivia
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